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      ANGELS COVERING Whole Healed And Triumphant (W.H.A.T.) Ministries,

ministers to people who are enduring or have endured abuse in their relationship and want to move forward with their lives.  This ministry is to help people take the next step from surviving to thriving. 

     W.H.A.T. Ministries presents to people, God’s original intent concerning them.  We provide information, one on one counseling and guidance, even on a prophetic level.  W.H.A.T Ministries is designed to transform and elevate people one day at a time.  W.H.A.T. Ministries plays an intercessory role to people who come and/or call and decide they want to live without abuse.

     W.H.A.T. Ministries is built on four (4) scriptures: John 10:10, 1 Cor 6:19, Phil 2:5 and Eph 5:17.  

Jesus came that we might have abundant life and if someone is beating the life out of you that is not abundant living. The body is the temple of God and because of that He is not pleased when the body is abused and to encourage people to put on the mind of Christ and only then will they understand what His will is concerning their life.

        W.H.A.T. Ministries is not only covered by God's Angels but also Dimensional Life Christian Assemblies, where Apostle R.L. Jackson is the Senior Pastor and Founder, along with, Co-Pastor, First Lady Theresa Jackson, located at 9803 Foster Ave., Brooklyn, NY.

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